Five things employees should ask themselves before they sue
If you believe that you were wrongfully terminated from your job, or that you were forced into resignation, your first instinct may be to sue your former employer.
While you may have a valid case that can be won, it is a good idea to ask yourself a few questions before rushing into a lawsuit. This article is meant to pose a few questions to you and help you answer them.
Five things employees should ask themselves before they sue
Did your employer actually violate the law?
It’s not against the law to be an unfair employer. It may seem unfair for a business to show favoritism to specific employees or communicate poorly, and if that’s what is you have dealt with, it is probably more of a hassle than grounds for a lawsuit. It would be in your best interest to find a new job.
Do you still work for the employer that you want to sue?
If you do, have you considered how miserable it will be to continue working for an employer that you are suing? The business may not retaliate against you but consider how your co-workers will look at you and the type of attitude they will have towards you.
Have you tried to handle your problem in a different way?
This may be the easiest way to solve your problem. If you feel that you’ve been harassed, discriminated against, retaliated against, denied a reasonable accommodation, or not paid properly; have you considered speaking to someone in HR or in upper management? That may be all it takes to solve your problem.
Have you thought about what you want out of your lawsuit?
If this is just a way to make a quick buck, or if you’re attempting to get revenge against your employer, the litigation process will be nothing more than a hassle for you.
Have you considered that you could wind up with nothing?
You may think that you have a legitimate claim against your employer and that it’s a for sure win, but a judge or jury may not see it the same way.
If you have any questions or concerns with a case you want to pursue, or are in need of legal advice or representation, please contact Lvovich and Szucsko or call 415-392-2560.